Counselling Services Offered

by Manthan



Appointments for-

  • Counselling consultation

  • Diagnostic clinical testing


Services Offered-

  • Clinical Testing - Psychological tests performed by qualified clinical psychologist

  • Adult Counselling Services - Clients in need of counselling for behavioural, neurotic or symptoms of emotional imbalance are offered help by qualified expert specialist counsellors in the relevant areas.

  • Play Therapy - Specially designed counselling treatment for children in the age group of 3 to 10 years offered by trained child counsellors.

  • Adolescent Counselling - Offered to ease the confusions and troubles of growing years in the age group of pre-teens (11-12 years) or teenagers by specially trained counsellors.

  • Family/Couple Counselling - To resolve the problems of relationships, misinterpretations, misunderstanding and other issues. Counselling by an experienced counsellor is the best option before the big breakup.

  • Group Counselling - Common problems of Obesity, Addictions, Relationship problems can be helped through the support of group course

Asha Raja and her team of Counsellors

To help you tide over your

 Psychological Stuck points
 Relationship breakups and patch ups
 Emotional disturbances
Personal Counselling for Individuals Parental Counselling Marital counselling for Couples
Personal Counselling for Individuals  – Problems related to Confidence, Self esteem, Social aversion, Depression, Obsession, Phobias, Eating disorders, Mood swings, Insomnia, Obesity and other issues. Personal Counselling: For problems related to intimate relationships, lack of self-esteem, confidence, social aversion, depression, mood swings, obsession, phobias, eating disorders, insomnia, and other issues. Counselling in these cases can change the life of the person. Marital counselling: For couples, pre marital counselling to prepare for married life. Solve marital conflicts, achieve work-life balance. Generating atmosphere of peace and harmony among members
Group counselling Students counselling Counselling for the Aging
Group counselling: For problems related to substance abuse, personality aberrations, obesity, strained relationship, phobias, anger management and other issues group counselling is most effective Student’s counselling: for problems related to exam fear or fear of bad results can lead to drastic behaviours besides lack of interest, confidence or self-esteem; shyness, bullying behaviour etc. are serious problems that need attention. Age related counselling: for aging - to make 60+ graceful, enjoyable and productive For small children: aged 3 to 13 yrs Children indicating emotional and psychotically maladjustment are helped by “play therapy” or Art therapy” counselling techniques
e-counselling Postal Facet Children & Adolescnts Counselling
Distant counselling: Personal adjustment counselling, counselling can be conducted through e-mail, Skype or by phone. This is a distance education service of MANTHAN. Do not despair if you cannot reach us physically, we shall reach you through Currier service or Postal service where ever you are placed. This facility is extended for following courses:
ECCE - Early Childhood Care Education Diploma Course-Pre primary Teacher’s Training Diploma Course
ECC- Diploma course in Early Childhood Counselling
LD Remedial Teacher’s Training Diploma Course
K.G. Teacher’s Training Diploma Course
MANTHAN offers Special ‘Play therapy’ and ‘Art therapy’ techniques to counsel children in the age group of 3 to 13 years. Children with emotional, psychological or/& behavioural problems respond positively to these modes of treatment.
MANTHAN extends specialized counselling services to preteens or adolescents needing help in any area of psychological stuck points and for growth/personality advancement.